Friday, January 29, 2016

Meditation Experiment #1

Hello there.

At the beginning of this month I began an experiment with my son using meditation. At the end of December he received a diagnosis as having ADHD/ADD combo. This is not my belief, but it is the reality of his behavior. Rather than jump to medication I am turning to a more holistic approach...meditation.

Meditation has a plethora of healing components that can actually help heal the mind, body and spirit. I will share more fancy information in my next post.

It is sometimes difficult to get my son out of bed to get dressed and eat breakfast and sometimes I have to rush him which he doesn't like. I started to play meditation music just before I start to wake him up. I gently give him kisses and hugs to get him out of REM sleep and start the meditation music. (My favorite is the Calm Meditation station on Pandora). I make my coffee and his breakfast and serve him his breakfast in bed. He has Christmas lights wrapped around his bunk bed which is a very nice ambience to meditation. Now he is awakened to nice lighting, calm music and his favorite breakfast. I leave him to his own meditation practice of listening to the music, eating his breakfast, sometimes he sits crossed legged with his hands in mediation position and then he gets dressed. He is relaxed, motivated and ready for the day.  I know what some parents might think, "You serve your son breakfast in bed every morning?" Yes, I do. Because that's what helps him to start his day. It won't be forever, but it's working now. I had to start somewhere. LOL

I didn't notice any significant changes the first week, and then the next week he seemed to be more patient to get home. Usually he's "starving" and will whine for the 7 1/2 minute ride home. It was easier for me to wake him up in the morning and sometimes he woke up on his own.

The third week was astounding!!!! His behavior chart color (he's 10 as of last Thursday in the 4th grade of a special day class where they still have charts) was in good standing and he was happier when I picked him up. He has better behavior playing with other kids, better language (not cursing, but using language that only boys can speak, lol) and he even got his homework done at the after school program twice!

It is now the 4th week and I am amazed at the progress in just 4 weeks! The key was to start out his day relaxed. When I started teaching him meditation we did it at night. He slept better, but the mornings were still rough. Meditating in the morning has excelled his learning abilities. I took him on a trip for his birthday and his manners were much better. He didn't make as many "noises" as he usually does, he said please and thank you for things out of the ordinary (quite awhile after I bought him something he said thank you again which he usually didn't.) He seemed more grateful, humble and just a joy to be around. He was even able to pay more attention to his surroundings by reminding someone that they couldn't use their flash to take a picture. Which was true, by the way. He said it nicely though. :)

I also kept mental notes of when he was whining or wouldn't take no for an answer. He's very cranky when he's hungry as most of us are. That's why experts say not to discuss things with your significant other when you're tired, stressed or hungry! I also had to look at my own behavior and see what I could do better. I meditate before I wake up my son instead of after he is picked up for school. Kids pick up on anxiety and stress. When I approach him with calmness and joy, he responds to that. I'm still working on that one. LOL

So, the biggest accomplishment I have brought with me into 2016 from 2015 is my Meditation Teacher Certification. I am so grateful for these teachings and I will be available for small private groups after February 1st. My website for Life Coaching and Meditation groups will have an area where you can book your session right from my website. Isn't that cool? So stay tuned!


Monday, January 4, 2016


What an amazing year it has been! Things are going really well in my world thanks to great new friends, spirituality work/training/education and the freedom in all areas of my life to be who I am and who I am going to be tomorrow.

I have been focusing a lot on nourishing those relationships that resonate with me, that are in alignment of where I am at right now and participating with those who feed me and whom I can feed in the areas of acceptance, love, forgiveness, understanding, support and anything else that is mutually agreed upon. I'm not fighting to be with this group or that group I am a spirit light of healing.

I have completed almost all of my Year 2 studies in Metaphysics and I will now start Year 3 tomorrow. The last class for Year 2 will be made up late this year due to the teacher being out for surgery. Lots of prayers were sent to her for healing and BAM! Done! 

I am embarking on a new path this year. A year of helping others heal for those who seek healing. I am putting together a few different types of meditation experiences that I can share with kids between 3rd-5th graders as well as for adults who have never meditated, would like some guidance in deepening their practice or just to have support. I have been meditating more regularly myself and now bringing my almost 10 year old son into the mix and the results are phenomenal! He has learning disabilities and incorporating meditation and yoga, he has been able to focus on tasks better, complete tasks, and pay better attention in class. I will be posting more benefits about meditation and yoga later.

Now on to the new year so I have a New Year's resolution for all of you. Let's stop focusing on getting "slim" and just accept the place we are in. Focus on changing 1 small life changing thing at a time. Instead of a muffin for breakfast have a piece of toast. Instead of planning your gym schedule for the whole week go for a 10 minute walk, just for today. Drink 1 less cup of coffee and drink 1 more cup of water. And like a good friend of mine mentioned, "eat half a pie instead of the whole thing!" Well, you gotta start somewhere. And go!

Peace and blessings.