Monday, December 21, 2015

After a year and I'm still here!

Wow! I can hardly believe that it has been over a year since I blogged! I've had such wonderful things happen in my life. I'll make it brief for now and expand later.

From my last blog, I started taking an anti-depressant, Lexapro. It is working so very well for me! I feel rational, balanced, motivated and relieved. I can feel a full range of emotions without going off the deep end most of the time. I think clearly, I am present and aware of myself and I have accomplished so many things!

I completed my Year 2 Metaphysical studies and I'm gearing up for my week long training to become a Spiritual Life Coach. 1 of the modalities is becoming a Certified Meditation Teacher so I am certified!

My part time job as a bookkeeper affords me the opportunity to be mostly financially independent (I can pay my own bills with my own paycheck) and allows me the energy to care for my son. One of which is to follow through with the Child Support suggestion of requesting a modification. I have received a "raise" as a single mom and can afford to take even better care of my son. We do lots of things together. And for his birthday in January, we will be going to LEGOLAND!

I had the opportunity to see Deepak Chopra and he spoke about the affects that regular meditation has on the brain. It's remarkable! I have been practicing meditation as much as I can this past year and the results have been amazing. I don't get triggered as often or as severe. I am able to remain calm in any situation most of the time.

I have a long way to go to heal all the parts of me that are broken, but it's the journey that makes it fun to see what else there is inside of me. It's exciting!

I am in the process of updating my Life Coaching website that will go live on February 1, 2016. I will be offering specials for Meditation sessions, Life Coaching in the areas of career, prosperity, relationships, and wellness. I will also be offering Spiritual Life Coaching which entails NLP and Hypnotherapy.

Please pass along my blog to anyone you know, or perhaps yourself, that suffers with depression. Your Freedom can be Transformed into a new way of life.

Peace and blessings,
